
Sickly Advice

Yesterday I came down with a horrible throat infection.  I seriously thought I was dying.  If you ever get sick like this here are some pieces of advice for you, but let's all hope you never have to use it!

1. Go to the doctor right away.  Doctors are here to help and sometimes we just need an antibiotic to get things cleared up.  I went to an urgent care today and got an antibiotic and "Magic Mouthwash".  Thank heavens! I am feeling better already! The best part about these was they were not overly expensive.  

2. Get a new toothbrush.  If you have a bad bacterial or viral infection in your throat get rid of anything you used near your mouth during that time.  If you keep using that stuff it will just come back; sometimes it will come back with a vengeance.  Yuck! 

3. Get new lipsticks/ etc. Like I said in number 2 anything that has touched your mouth must go.  Better be safe than sorry.

4. You can alternate Ibuprofen and acetaminophen.  You can take up to four pills of Ibuprofen (I usually take two) every six hours and you can take 500mg of acetaminophen every six hours. This means approximately every three hours you can take some pain killers for that obnoxious sore throat.  This will help with any fevers or any swelling.  It also helps you keep on top of your pain.  The name brands of these are Advil (Ibuprofen) and Tylenol (Acetaminophen).  Double check with your doctor that these are mixable with other medications you are taking. 

5.  Drink lots of fluids.  It may hurt to swallow but the last thing you need is to be dehydrated.  Drink a lot of water and other fluids to help you recover quickly! Drinking water also helps your skin, digestion, and other body functions! It's almost a win-win! 

6. Rest rest rest rest rest rest rest.  My doctor told me that today.  Maybe double that many rests! The best thing you can do when you are sick is rest.  Whether it's sleeping, reading, movie watching, or tea sipping your body needs time to heal and feel better.  It takes a lot longer if you are trying to be active.

Back to resting for me! Have a wonderful healthy evening! :) 

Carpe diem, Dear


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