
Keep Singing Oceans.

I haven't yet responded to another person's blog via mine, but I feel that this one deserves a response.

My mom recently posted a blog post on her Facebook with the title "Stop Singing Oceans".  

At the time I read it.  I liked it. I agreed with it.  

But then we sang Oceans in chapel and I felt guilty.  I felt guilty for worshiping God and truly wanting to go deeper but knowing that I may not go every time.  But isn't that who we are, human and mistake makers? 

This is one of my favorite songs.  I love the image of being taken deeper, trusting without boarders, and having God to call on.  When I read the original post I thought, wow, I mean it when I sing it and when I am caught up in the moment but do I really mean it now? If I was talking to God right now over Starbucks coffee would I want to trust Him without borders?  The answer was no.  But here is the thing, I honestly believe that no one wants to trust anyone without borders.  But isn't it great to know that we have a God who is worth trusting without borders.  Who already knows our fears and our failures and He chooses to love us just the same.

I felt guilty for singing a song that I want so desperately to be true.  I felt like I wasn't good enough to sing this song.  But when we are worshiping that is exactly who we are.  We aren't worthy of entering the presence of God.  We aren't holy enough.  We aren't righteous enough.  Yet, God welcomes us with open arms into his presence.  

I think that even though we may make mistakes and struggle to go past borders that are in our lives the more we seek and pray this song the more opportunities God is going to place in your life to trust Him beyond boarders.  It is our job to take those opportunities. We will fail.  We will make mistakes. But the song addresses that--"Your grace abounds in deepest waters, your sovereign hand will be my guide.  Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me.  You've never failed, and you won't stop now." 

In singing this song we aren't saying we are never going to make a mistake.  We aren't trying to be perfect.  We are simply saying God, this is how I want to trust you.  I want to go deeper.  I want to seek harder.  I want to get down and do the grunt work for your kingdom no matter what the cost.  We are saying God I am anything but perfect, but you are perfect and I want to strive to be like you.  

In singing this song you are making it your prayer.  The original post said we have to be prepared to live this kind of lifestyle of abandonment to God and it is true.  We need to be prepared.  But just because you sing this song doesn't mean you cannot make a mistake.  It doesn't mean you are a failure for missing an opportunity.  This is a song that can be a prayer. Nothing is going to change over night. This song can be the start of a process that will take you on a crazy journey you never expected.  

Keep singing Oceans.  Keep letting God transform your life.  
Carpe Diem, Dear.


  1. Liv, I felt the exact same way this morning in chapel!

    And you know what? You're so right. It is important to think about what we sing - what is the point of singing a worship song when we are only just singing it because it has a beautiful melody, and not truly sending the lyrics to Him as an offering and focusing our hearts on Him?

    But at the same time, the beauty of entering into God's presence is that we can do so just as we are. We can come with our fears, and our doubts, and the fact that hey, I don't know if I can trust God completely right now with everything I am, but I am going to try really really hard to do so.

    He knows our hearts, and He comes to us right where we are.

    Thanks so much for writing this!


    1. Thanks, Kelly. I just couldn't get the guilty feeling off my chest until writing this. I am happy to know there are a few people that feel the same way. :)

  2. Wonderful, wonderful post! I am absolutely going to save this for later days. <3

    Alyssa Nicole @ Sincerely, Alaska

    1. Thank you, Alyssa. :) I am glad it spoke to you! :)

  3. This is great! I felt the SAME way. I don't think it's like something we are promising God...I think it's kind of a desire..like we are asking God to give us that heart of complete trust because we can't do it on our own. Plus, in that article I felt like you could pick apart any worship song and say "well you aren't living this way so we have to stop singing it." s

  4. Since learning the song, I sing Oceans frequently (in my mind or out loud). I wondered, can a person "over-sing" a worship song??" But more and more, I've been singing Oceans as a prayer like you mentioned. It is a song of faith and it is worth singing over and over. Thanks for writing this, Liv.

  5. Really great post! I absolutely love this song. This song for me is us asking Him for help, guidance, and reassurance that we are His.

    Found you through The Peony Project! :)

  6. Patricia, I don't think one can over sing a worship song! :)

    Anna, so glad you enjoyed my post! The peony project is awesome! ❤️
